Pie, pie, pie, Delilah It’s International Pie Week and we’ve got a selection of dry wines to accompany your favourite savoury, pastry-topped dishes. We travel from Argentina to California, spend a while there, then hotfoot it to Spain via Portugal. Steak & Kidney Pudding/ Pie One many would describe as the daddy of meat pies, Steak and Kidney has […] READ MORE
Embrace kindness Just 3 short days after we celebrate romantic love, a more fraternal/ sororal love lingers with Random Acts of Kindness Day on Feb 17th. It’s time to embrace kindness. A day to consider how you can help karma help you; compliment a colleague; text an old friend you haven’t spoken to for ages; crack […] READ MORE
Revel in the pillowy goodness of a Yorkshire pud. It’s February! A month so short, its delights can easily pass you by. Let us take a breath and dig into all the fun the next four weeks have to offer. Forget about the terrible weather by celebrating one of our island’s finest and most esoteric foodstuffs with National Yorkshire Pudding Day. Make the […] READ MORE