Sauvignon blanc. Refreshing, aromatic, crisp and all around us. Here in the UK we are mad for it. It is a household name and a go-to choice for many.
We expect to find it on the shop shelf, in the pub fridge and on every restaurant wine list across the land. Sauvignon blanc has become so powerful that it often commands more sway than the brand on the bottle. The massive success of Sauvignon blanc involves many factors but as consumers have we all forgotten what it actually is?
Sauvignon blanc; It is what it is.
We couldn’t be blamed for assuming that Sauvignon blanc is just one wine when a particular style almost completely dominates. When something is everywhere we become very familiar with it. It becomes part of the furniture. It’s comfortable and easy to have around. Most importantly, it doesn’t change. As much as we’ve learnt to love the old familiar, let’s not forget there’s more to it than that.
If it isn’t what it is…. then what is it?
What we all need to remember is that Sauvignon blanc is not a brand, one wine or a singular thing. Viewed simply, Sauvignon blanc is a type of wine grape. Sadly this isn’t the whole truth. Sauvignon blanc is actually many different things at once. It’s an army of mutant clones with a shed load of different styles.
Although there’s no Star-Wars-esque, Sith-lord drama to be found here (sadly), mutants and clones are relevant as grapes grow on vines, vines reproduce to make more vines and sometimes a mutant is born. This mutant child vine is called a clone in “grape-speak”. Each clone has the potential to leave a unique flavour footprint on a wine. These mutations come to existence, are grown and then proliferate all over the world.
Diversity in the clones
The clones alone offer bags of potential diversity in Sauvignon blanc wine but there’s far more that can shape it. The weather, the landscape, the husbandry in the vines and the methods of the winemaker all control a wine’s destiny. Each one of these factors contains millions of different variables that govern what taste turns up in your glass. (Want to learn even more about Sauvignon blanc? Read more here)
Sauvignon blanc is more than just one wine, brand or thing and there is massive amounts of diversity out there to be found. Here at hometipple we love diversity as a whole and our wine choices are no different. Try some of the incredible Sauvignon blanc wines below (and don’t worry we have a few old familiars too!).
And now – Mikey, with the weather…
Middle Earth, New Zealand
Our friends in the land of the hobbit had some seriously unfortunate weather last year. Plenty of vineyards suffered from frostbite. This led to fewer grapes, which turned into less wine than normal… which is a terrible blow.
As a result the UK will see a drought of Marlborough, Sauvignon blanc this year and prices are likely to rise.
This leaves a couple of options; panic-buy the stuff like it’s lockdown toilet roll or just put a little diversity behind your Sauvignon blanc choice (hint: we’d go for the second option)
Our wine highlights
“When experiments go right. Incredible Sauvignon blanc helped along with sake yeast (the only one in the world produced this way). There’s loads of tropical fruit to get into with some traditional gooseberry, lime zest and cream that wraps around the tongue. Stunner!” £16.97
“These days you can barely move in a wine shop without stumbling over yet another Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc – it’s bloody everywhere! With so much choice, which do you choose?! Simple answer. This one.” £18.97
“Oaked Sauvignon Blanc done brilliantly. All the toasty, buttery, honeyed, vanilla highlights you expect with a very welcome lemon pith character that, along with some great acidity, keeps everything finely balanced. Lovely. Just lovely.” £34.73
“Some of us look back fondly on the tinned peach. Good, because they’re hiding in this wine alongside elderflowers, mint, papaya and that scent you smell when you take your Flymo out for a spin across the lawn. This is guaranteed to refresh your soul after you’ve slain some daisies.” £14.84